Friday, November 25, 2011


 I know that couponing has become a new fad and I, for one, am addicted. I just love saving money. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids. One is in school and the other is only 20 months old. I have been married going on 9 years, and loving every minute of it. He works in construction and we all know how sometimes an iconvience of rain can put a dent in the paycheck, this is how I really got turned on to couponing with the help of my mother and sister. I now have my stock pile started worth between $500.00-$700.00, and maybe paid 60.00. (if that much) I am very proud of my start our stock pile, but it is growing more every week. I try to go atleast once a week if their is a good sale, because prices hit Rock Bottom in a 6-8 week period. So I try to buy enough to get by until the next drop. I buy a Sunday paper for every member in my household, unless there are some really good deals that I can really stock up on, for instance: Cover Girl had a coupon for $8.00 off of 2. I had 46 makeups and the total was 223.26 and  I only paid $20.00. I have two girls that will be teenagers one day and we all know how expensive that is! After buying food and paying bills, you have very little to buy the other neccesities that you may need. So couponing really comes in handy with everything that you need except for the bills. LoL I wish I could get coupons for to save on the mortgage. lol  Please feel free to ask anything I will be glad to answer.

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